Below you can find a checklist with links to our user manual per pointer.
[ ] Create combinations between your drivers & tractors
[ ] Make sure the always on planning board toggle is on, so they are visible & present on the planboard by default.
→ If you don’t want this, you can drag & drop from the resources tab on the planning down to planning board on a daily basis.
[ ] Create/replicate your preferred view on the TO PLAN area and disable any columns that you don’t need, and enable others that you need in your day to day operations.
[ ] Configure your planboard view the way you look with the configuration options at the top of the screen.
[ ] Hide or show the map depending on if you’ll use it or not
[ ] Create resource groups if required to make “categories” on your planboard or divide your drivers in geographic region’s etc.
[ ] Create planning groups so you have a quick filter in your TO PLAN that you can filter on department/geograpic area’s/anything that you can think of.
[ ] Create example shift schedules and activate them on one of the combinations that you’ve made.